I know all of you know that Laura and I are eagerly awaiting the birth of our beautiful daughter but I can't stop thinking about it. When I'm at work I try not to make it obvious that I'm thinking about my wife and future family every five minutes but I can't help it. Laura is going in tomorrow for her amnio, this test will tell the doctors if the baby is ready to be delivered. If the test comes up the way we want it to, Laura could be induced then and there or the first thing Friday morning. The doctors always leave hints or winks and smiles reassuring us that the baby is indeed ready. However Lauras OB is I guess extremely thorough, and well precautionary measures are always important when it comes to such important matters like this. My problem is I'm constantly on the edge of my seat, my mind is always flooded with our future with our beautiful baby girl. I sure hope Christmas comes early this year:)