Laura and I had a very relaxing day, both being home from work. We actually were able to get a lot done. We're getting more and more prepared for the baby, today we picked up a shelving unit and plastic containers for some extra storage. After all we are having a girl, one whom is going to be very fashionable with all her clothes and such.
While we were having dinner I noticed Return To Me with Minnie Driver and David Duchovny was on the tube. I know, I know this is a romantic "chick flick" but I happen to really like this movie and Laura hadn't seen it yet. Then we went on spending the night watching super nanny, however halfway through the show of little kids punching, kicking and cursing at their mom I had a sudden urge for ice cream which was then followed by Laura's affirmation to my proposition. We took a short drive to Carvel and figured out what we wanted. I always forget that the prices these ice cream places have on their sweet treats are astronomical. I guess it's easy to forget the high prices when money isn't an issue when a craving is in the mix. Anyway Laura got a Carvelanche which is caramel, chocolate crunchies and vanilla ice cream. I asked for a Carvelatte. Wow, when you ask for a Carvelatte... they give you a Carvelatte.

It was very good and yes I did finish it for those of you who know I'm not even a big fan of ice cream or really sweet stuff to begin with.
Ok, ok... I didn't finish it, not even an eighth of it.... but I will:)
Right now we're both just savoring the weekend. I always want to freeze time on the weekends. I often dream of having a career that I enjoy. It isn't hard for me to picture myself enjoying my future career. However it seems impossible to ever enjoy the job I have now. I want to be able to benefit the world with what I do day in and day out, much like what my lovely bride does and will be doing in less than a years time. Only I can't do what she does, no way-no how. It takes a very loving and compassionate person to do what nurses do. Just listen to myself, getting lost in my thoughts. Let me get back on track. Right now I'm watching Rocky, the very first one where he fights Apollo Creed. I need to count how many times I find myself watching Rocky movies in a year, I know it's alot.
Laura is creating some art for her homework assignment. She has to draw exactly what you first see when you open the cabinet under the sink. She is really talented, see for yourself!
What you're looking at is ofcourse the pipe. Then a few vases, a plastic bag holder/dispenser, S.E.P. powder if my memory serves me correct which is Stop Eating Poop powder for Duke. Yeah, yeah so our doggy has a problem. He's been very very good as of late. Then to your left she is in the process of drawing Dukes bag of food.
Well I'm now halfway through my Carvelatte and all the way through blogging for tonight. Goodnight!
Boy that icecream looks good!