Friday, June 8, 2012

It's a new dawn, it's a new day, it's a new life and I'm feeling good.

I started running about three years ago for a few reasons. I have gotten so tired from struggling with asthma from a very early age up until recently. The majority of the time I am at work, I’m sitting at my desk. The ultimate reason is because I want to be as healthy as possible for Laura and Lila.
I didn’t realize just how far I have come with running until now. It’s just starting to dawn on me that I ran my first of many Spartan races. As a matter of fact, I am already registered for the next race in June of 2013. Three years ago, I would have to take a preventative medicine for my asthma about an hour before I would run five-hundred feet. I would basically have to cater to whatever my body would need. Now, I have come to a point where I tell my body what’s up, where I have control. Whenever I want to run, I just go out, stretch then run. Despite what my doctors think, I don’t need an inhaler or a proventil and it has been this way for about a year.
Another modification that I have made to my life is my diet. I used to go out with my co-workers for lunch all of the time, some weeks every single day. There is virtually nothing out there that is healthy. Thanks to Emad, Bobby and the documentary Forks Over Knives. My wife and I have decided to take on a vegan/vegetarian diet. In no way is our decision to eat healthier intended to benefit animals like most vegans. I could really care less. Instead we want to live a longer, healthier and happier life. So far, so great. We have been going for three weeks now and we’re doing very well. I love the meals that Laura has been putting together and I really don’t see myself reverting back to the old and unhealthy ways I used to eat. Of course, this is all easier for me to say because again, my wife has been doing all of the cooking. But I love cooking and this is really important to me so I’ll get my ass in the kitchen too.
God is so good. God has completely healed my spirit, mind and body. Through Jesus stripes, I AM HEALED.
It's a new dawn, it's a new day, it's a new life and I'm feeling good.


  1. Awesome! "Beloved I pray that you may prosper and be in health, even as your soul prospers."
    3 John 2 This is wonderful news, Jonathan. Eating good food the way God made it. Smart and healthy choice. More power to you! <3 Mama Donna

  2. Very cool. I love what you wrote here: "I would basically have to cater to whatever my body would need. Now, I have come to a point where I tell my body what’s up, where I have control."

    I think that's key! Self control is not a bad thing, it rocks!
