I know all of you know that Laura and I are eagerly awaiting the birth of our beautiful daughter but I can't stop thinking about it. When I'm at work I try not to make it obvious that I'm thinking about my wife and future family every five minutes but I can't help it. Laura is going in tomorrow for her amnio, this test will tell the doctors if the baby is ready to be delivered. If the test comes up the way we want it to, Laura could be induced then and there or the first thing Friday morning. The doctors always leave hints or winks and smiles reassuring us that the baby is indeed ready. However Lauras OB is I guess extremely thorough, and well precautionary measures are always important when it comes to such important matters like this. My problem is I'm constantly on the edge of my seat, my mind is always flooded with our future with our beautiful baby girl. I sure hope Christmas comes early this year:)
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Saturday, October 24, 2009
The waiting game
You will be blessed when you come in and blessed when you go out. Laura & I are certainly blessed. Thank you everyone for all of your generous gifts given at Laura's baby shower. We have more then enough of everything and are ready and eagerly awaiting the birth of our beautiful baby girl!
The little things in the house make us happy, like the scent of all of Lila's baby supplies all setup on her baby supply shelf. Or seeing her own little section of clothes being hung up in the closet, sooo cute. Seeing her crib all made up with her lovely ladybug bedset along with her ladybug mobile just makes me so excited to have her with us. We are so incredibly blessed.
I'm sure all of you saw the last sonogram picture which was amazing. Now there is a newer one which really shows Lila's adorable cheeks. I wish I was there to see it live, Laura said she saw Lila's straight face turn into a smile while she was moving her little hands around.
-J Lila @ 30 weeks
Monday, October 5, 2009
Not bad for a Monday
I finally feel atleast 95% better healthwise so waking up this morning wasn't a problem. The rest of the day was even better!
Lets go back though and catch up.
Last night was also the first night of Laura's new job position at the hospital. She was informed that she was chosen for the job she applied for by letter...the day before her first day! The job entails working nights which basically is less work for more money (night differential). Laura basically answers the call lights that the patients light up one by one. Whereas when she worked in the morning she would have 7-15 patients and would have to do soooo much more work including the work the night shift left behind! As long as she can handle the hours, so far it's been pretty good but the changing of hours is definitely difficult. Laura also has a lot more cooperation with her new supervisor vs. her last super, yes the one who talked to her today saying, you are no longer a part of the D unit then abrubtly hung up the phone on her.
This morning was pretty nice, I got to see Laura come home from work right before I had to leave for work. I also woke up with pep in my step so I had time and didn't have to rush.
Work was great, the best Monday that I have had in a long time. Because it was the first Monday that I have worked ever in my "order taking" position.
Here is what made the day, Laura & I went to "The Spare Rib" for dinner in Commack. It was so much better then I ever expected! At first when I heard that the place was in Commack I immediately was like ehh.. but it's a nice part of the town. We went thinking we were going to partake in an October 5th dinner sale where they have prime rib, salad and two sides for $11.00. When we got there though we saw that it was only a lunch deal. No big thing though! this place isn't that expensive. Laura chose prime rib with a baked potato and creamed spinach. I picked the sky high meatloaf which came with mashed potatoes and a salad, for which I chose creamy garlic dressing. Everything was deeeelish, however I have had better mashed potatoes time and time again but they weren't bad. As soon as I saw the waiter bring my entree, I knew instantly why they named it the sky high meatloaf. This thing was high! The first flight was mashed potatoes, the second was meatloaf in a savory gravy. The sides of the meatloaf were wrapped in bacon! YES! then there were delicious sauteed mushrooms and to top it all off? fried onions. I also ordered the house brewed root beer which was so so good. I intentionally didn't eat it all because I wanted to have it for lunch tomorrow! I know, I know it's the curse of poverty and I HATE IT! I'll post the pictures below but I'm tellin you now, they don't do the food justice.
Here is the prime rib and creamed spinach that Laura ordered. This was really really good too, perfect actually.
Lets go back though and catch up.
Last night was also the first night of Laura's new job position at the hospital. She was informed that she was chosen for the job she applied for by letter...the day before her first day! The job entails working nights which basically is less work for more money (night differential). Laura basically answers the call lights that the patients light up one by one. Whereas when she worked in the morning she would have 7-15 patients and would have to do soooo much more work including the work the night shift left behind! As long as she can handle the hours, so far it's been pretty good but the changing of hours is definitely difficult. Laura also has a lot more cooperation with her new supervisor vs. her last super, yes the one who talked to her today saying, you are no longer a part of the D unit then abrubtly hung up the phone on her.
This morning was pretty nice, I got to see Laura come home from work right before I had to leave for work. I also woke up with pep in my step so I had time and didn't have to rush.
Work was great, the best Monday that I have had in a long time. Because it was the first Monday that I have worked ever in my "order taking" position.
Here is what made the day, Laura & I went to "The Spare Rib" for dinner in Commack. It was so much better then I ever expected! At first when I heard that the place was in Commack I immediately was like ehh.. but it's a nice part of the town. We went thinking we were going to partake in an October 5th dinner sale where they have prime rib, salad and two sides for $11.00. When we got there though we saw that it was only a lunch deal. No big thing though! this place isn't that expensive. Laura chose prime rib with a baked potato and creamed spinach. I picked the sky high meatloaf which came with mashed potatoes and a salad, for which I chose creamy garlic dressing. Everything was deeeelish, however I have had better mashed potatoes time and time again but they weren't bad. As soon as I saw the waiter bring my entree, I knew instantly why they named it the sky high meatloaf. This thing was high! The first flight was mashed potatoes, the second was meatloaf in a savory gravy. The sides of the meatloaf were wrapped in bacon! YES! then there were delicious sauteed mushrooms and to top it all off? fried onions. I also ordered the house brewed root beer which was so so good. I intentionally didn't eat it all because I wanted to have it for lunch tomorrow! I know, I know it's the curse of poverty and I HATE IT! I'll post the pictures below but I'm tellin you now, they don't do the food justice.
Here is the prime rib and creamed spinach that Laura ordered. This was really really good too, perfect actually.
This my friend is the skyhigh meatloaf, I just ordered the meatloaf cause it's sounded good. I wasn't trying to order something ordinary, I soon found out at that I didn't!
Here are the salads, very fresh and delicious:)
Saturday, October 3, 2009
I would love some ice cream right about now...
Laura and I had a very relaxing day, both being home from work. We actually were able to get a lot done. We're getting more and more prepared for the baby, today we picked up a shelving unit and plastic containers for some extra storage. After all we are having a girl, one whom is going to be very fashionable with all her clothes and such.
While we were having dinner I noticed Return To Me with Minnie Driver and David Duchovny was on the tube. I know, I know this is a romantic "chick flick" but I happen to really like this movie and Laura hadn't seen it yet. Then we went on spending the night watching super nanny, however halfway through the show of little kids punching, kicking and cursing at their mom I had a sudden urge for ice cream which was then followed by Laura's affirmation to my proposition. We took a short drive to Carvel and figured out what we wanted. I always forget that the prices these ice cream places have on their sweet treats are astronomical. I guess it's easy to forget the high prices when money isn't an issue when a craving is in the mix. Anyway Laura got a Carvelanche which is caramel, chocolate crunchies and vanilla ice cream. I asked for a Carvelatte. Wow, when you ask for a Carvelatte... they give you a Carvelatte.

It was very good and yes I did finish it for those of you who know I'm not even a big fan of ice cream or really sweet stuff to begin with.
Ok, ok... I didn't finish it, not even an eighth of it.... but I will:)
Right now we're both just savoring the weekend. I always want to freeze time on the weekends. I often dream of having a career that I enjoy. It isn't hard for me to picture myself enjoying my future career. However it seems impossible to ever enjoy the job I have now. I want to be able to benefit the world with what I do day in and day out, much like what my lovely bride does and will be doing in less than a years time. Only I can't do what she does, no way-no how. It takes a very loving and compassionate person to do what nurses do. Just listen to myself, getting lost in my thoughts. Let me get back on track. Right now I'm watching Rocky, the very first one where he fights Apollo Creed. I need to count how many times I find myself watching Rocky movies in a year, I know it's alot.
Laura is creating some art for her homework assignment. She has to draw exactly what you first see when you open the cabinet under the sink. She is really talented, see for yourself!
What you're looking at is ofcourse the pipe. Then a few vases, a plastic bag holder/dispenser, S.E.P. powder if my memory serves me correct which is Stop Eating Poop powder for Duke. Yeah, yeah so our doggy has a problem. He's been very very good as of late. Then to your left she is in the process of drawing Dukes bag of food.
Well I'm now halfway through my Carvelatte and all the way through blogging for tonight. Goodnight!
Friday, October 2, 2009
Starting fresh
Laura and I made this blog profile back in January, however I think it's safe to say that we both completely forgot about it in the midst of our busy lives. Well since our lives/life together is only getting better all of the time, I thought I would make it official and keep track of it. While at the same time, getting back to both of our loves for writing.
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